Eastern Cape Parks Board

The Great Fish River Reserve (GFRR), straddles the Great Fish River in the south-east of the Eastern Cape Province, and is located north-west of the N2, midway between Grahamstown and King William’s Town.

The reserve nestles amidst the steep river valleys and inter-basin ridges of the Great Fish River catchment area, characterised by dense, semi-succulent, thorny scrub or thicket and notable variations in topography and elevation.

The Great Fish River Reserve comprises three contiguous protected areas of the Double Drift Game Reserve (23 500ha), Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve (6 500ha) and the Sam Knott ‘Nature Reserve (15 500ha). The primary purpose of the GFRR is the conservation of the unique biodiversity, ecological processes, and associated heritage features, of the Eastern Cape Sub-Tropical Thicket.

For the tourist, the reserve offers a wonderful wildlife experience, with large and spacious accommodation well placed to explore and experience the reserve. It is well suited for large groups, like family gatherings, conferences and other situations where ample accommodation, situated in a pristine natural setting, is needed.

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